Project 1:
Project 1:

The Osmonauts
Materials aiding our research

NeuroML is a modular, declarative, and simulator-independent standard for specifying computational neuroscience models. The community-driven ecosystem of NeuroML models and tools is growing every year.

SciDash: SciUnit and NeuronUnit
SciUnit is a framework for test-driven validation of scientific models. NeuronUnit provides a set of pre-built tests that can be used to assess how well a neuroscience model corresponds to experimental data.

NeuroML Database
NeuroML Database provides access to 1,500+ NeuroML models. Each model features extensive characterizations of electrophysiology, morhology, and computational complexity.

BlenderNEURON allows the visualization of NEURON models and their simulation results in Blender, the open-source, professional 3D modeling software.
SwarmsSight is a video analysis software with two modules: one for assessing changes in motion in video scenes and another for tracking the positions of insect antennae.
PyLMeasure: A Python Wrapper for LMeasure
PyLMeasure provides a Python interface to the popular neuronal morphology analysis software L-Measure.
hoc2swc: A HOC to SWC converter
hoc2swc is a Python package that converts a model instantiated in NEURON simulator to the popular SWC morphology format. Tools like L-Measure that support the SWC format can then be used to analyze and visualize neuron model morphology.
NSF COA: Auto-generate your COA forms for NSF grant applications
Tired of filling out your Collaborators and Other Affiliations form by hand? Have papers with dozens of co-authors? Let us do the work for you.
Calimag: A calcium imaging conversion pipeline to convert raw data to the NWB standard file format.
MoSeq: Machine vision for behavior analysis
MoSeq is a technique that uses 3D machine vision and unsupervised machine learning to automatically discover the underlying modular structure of mouse behavior in the lab. Please email with your full contact information and a valid GitHub account name, and we can help you get started.