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Alexander Fleischmann, PhD

Department of Neuroscience, Brown University

My laboratory is interested in how neural circuits generate sensory perception and behavior. We use a combination of molecular genetic, in vivo imaging, computational and behavioral approaches to determine fundamental functional properties of neural networks in the mouse olfactory cortex. I have joined the Brown Neuroscience Department in January 2018.

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The Lab

Simon Daste.jpg

Simon Daste

Graduate Student

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Nell Klimpert

Graduate student

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Olivia McKissick

Graduate Student

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Andrea Pierre

Software Engineer

Max Seppo.jpg

Max Seppo

Graduate Student

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Keeley Baker

Postdoctoral fellow


Tuan Pham

 Software Engineer

Emily DeNunzio
Research assistant


Camille Donoho

Undergraduate Researcher

Selected Publications


Zeppilli S, Ortega Gurrola A, Demetci P, Brann D, Attey R, Zilkha N, Kimchi T, Datta SR, Singh R, Tosches MA, Crombach A, Fleischmann A

Mammalian olfactory cortex neurons retain molecular signatures of ancestral cell types. bioRxiv 


Zeppilli S, Ackels T, Attey R, Klimpert N, Ritola K, Boeing S, Crombach A, Schaefer A, Fleischmann A (2021)

Molecular characterization of projection neuron subtypes in the mouse olfactory bulb. Elife


Meissner-Bernard C, Dembitskaya Y, Venance L, Fleischmann A (2018)

Encoding of Odor Fear Memories in the Mouse Olfactory Cortex. Curr Biol.


Roland B, Deneux T, Franks KM, Bathellier B, Fleischmann A.
Odor identity coding by distributed ensembles of neurons in the mouse olfactory cortex. eLife, 2017 May 10;6. pii: e26337. PMCID: PMC5438249 [pdf]


Diodato A, Ruinart de Brimont M, Yim YS, Derian N, Perrin S, Pouch J, Klatzmann D, Garel S, Choi G, Fleischmann A (2016). Molecular signatures of neural connectivity in the olfactory cortex. Nature Commun., 18;7:12238. PMCID: PMC4960301 [pdf]


Choi GB, Stettler DD, Kallman BR, Bhaskar ST, Fleischmann A, Axel R (2011). Driving opposing behaviors with ensembles of piriform neurons. Cell, 146:1004-1015. PMCID: PMC3230930 [pdf]


Roland B, Jordan R, Sosulski DL, Diodato A, Fukunaga I, Wickersham I, Franks KM, Schaefer AT, Fleischmann A (2016). Massive normalization of odor-evoked activity in the olfactory bulb of mice with a “monoclonal nose”. eLife, 2016 May 13;5. pii: e16335. PMCID: PMC4919110


Angelo K., Pimentel D., Pichler B., Fleischmann A., Rancz E., Margrie T. (2012). A biophysical signature of network affiliation and sensory processing in mitral cells. Nature, Aug16;488(7411):375-8. PMCID: PMC3442227 [pdf]


Glinka M.E., Samuels B.A., Teillon J., Mei D.F., Shykind B.M., Hen R., Fleischmann A. (2012). Olfactory deficits cause anxiety-like behaviors in mice. J. Neurosci., 32(19):6718-6725. PMCID: PMC3367161 [pdf]


Abdus-Saboor I., Al Nufal MJ, Agha MV, Ruinart de Brimont M, Fleischmann A., Shykind B (2016). Expression refinement ensures singular odorant receptor gene choice. Curr. Biol., 25;26(8):1083-90. PMID: 27040780 [pdf]


Fleischmann A., Abdus-Saboor I., Sayed A., Shykind B (2013). Functional Interrogation of an Odorant Receptor Locus Reveals Multiple Axes of Transcriptional Regulation. PLoS Biol., 11(5): e1001568. PMCID: PMC3660300 [pdf]


Fleischmann A, Shykind BM, Sosulski DL, Franks KM, Glinka ME, Mei D.F, Yonghua S, Kirkland J, Mendelsohn M, Albers MW, Axel R (2008)

Mice with a "monoclonal" nose: perturbations in an olfactory map impair odor discrimination. Neuron, 60:1-14. PMCID: PMC2732586 [pdf]

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