Project 1:
Project 1:

The Osmonauts

Dmitry Rinberg, PhD
Neuroscience Institute, New York University
We study how olfactory information is represented in the brain and how the brain extracts information relevant for behavior. We are using wide-field and two-photon imaging, multiunit electrophysiology and behavioral experiments, in combination with theoretical approaches, to study how odors are represented at different stages of neural processing. To understand how spatiotemporal neural codes are read by the brain and evoke behavior, we are developing optogenetic pattern stimulation techniques, including 2P holography. Most of the projects are deeply rooted in theoretical approaches and statistical modeling. In addition, as an applied direction, we are developing bio-electronic nose, a universal, versatile, and sensitive chemical detector based on the mouse olfactory system.

The Lab

Beatrice Barra
Postdoctoral Scientist
Joshua Harvey
Postdoctoral Scientist

Shannon Toole
Research Associate

Sebastian Ceballo Charpentier
Postdoctoral Scientist

Mursel Karadas
Postdoctoral Scientist

Jonathan Gill
Postdoctoral Scientist

Saeed Karimimehr
PhD Student

Rory Reiser
Research Associate

Ekaterina Koulakova
Research Associate
Selected Publications
Giaffar H, Shuvaev S, Rinberg D, Koulakov A (2023)
The primacy model and the structure of olfactory space, Biorxiv (earlier version is at here)
Nakayama H, Gerkin R C, Rinberg D (2022)
A behavioral paradigm for measuring perceptual distances in mice, Cell Reports Methods.
Shor E, Herrero-Vidal P, Dewan A, Uguz I, Curto V, Malliaras G, Savin C, Bozza T, Rinberg D (2022)
Sensitive and robust chemical detection using an olfactory brain-computer interface, Biosensors and Bioelctronicns (earlier version at BioRxiv)
Harvey J and Rinberg D (2021)
Olfaction: Source separation in a single sniff, Current Biology.
Gill JV, Lerman G, Zhao H, Stetler B, Rinberg D, Shoham S(2020)
Precise Holographic Manipulation of Olfactory Circuits Reveals Coding Feature Determining Perceptual Detection, Neuron (earlier versions at Biorxiv)
Chong E, Moroni M, Wilson C D, Shoham S, Panzeri S, Rinberg D (2020)
Manipulating synthetic optogenetic odors reveals the coding logic of olfactory perception, Science (earlier versions at BioRxiv)
Lerman GM, Little JP, Gill JV, Rinberg D, Shoham S.
Real‐Time In Situ Holographic Optogenetics Confocally Unraveled Sculpting Microscopy.
Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2019, 1900144 [pdf]
Lerman GM, Gill JV, Rinberg D, Shoham S.
Precise optical probing of perceptual detection.
Arneodo EM, Penikis KB, Rabinowitz N, Licata A, Cichy A, Zhang J, Bozza T, and Rinberg D.
Stimulus Dependent Diversity And Stereotypy In The Output Of An Olfactory Functional Unit.
Nat Commun 9, 1347 [pdf] (also at Biorxiv)
Wilson CD, Serrano GO, Koulakov AA, and Rinberg D.
A primacy code for odor identity.
Nat Commun 8, 1477 [pdf] (also at Biorxiv)
Smear M, Resulaj A, Zhang J, Bozza T, and Rinberg D.
Multiple perceptible signals from a single olfactory glomerulus.
Nature Neuroscience, 16, pp.1687–1691 (reviewed at Faculty 1000) [pdf]
Smear M, Shusterman R, O’Connor R, Bozza T, and Rinberg D.
Perception of sniff phase in mouse olfaction.
Nature, 479, pp.397-400 (reviewed at Faculty 1000) [pdf]
Shusterman R, Smear M, Koulakov A, and Rinberg D.
Precise olfactory responses tile the sniff cycle.
Nature Neuroscience, 14 (8), pp.1039-1044 (reviewed at Faculty 1000) [pdf]
Koulakov A and Rinberg D.
Sparse incomplete representations: A novel role for olfactory granule cells.
Neuron, 72, 124-136 [pdf]
Public Talks
Rinberg D, "What the nose knows"
August 2018, KITP Blackboard Lunch. Workshop "Neural computations for sensory navigation: mechanisms, models, and biomimetic applications", The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University California Santa Barbara, CA
July 2015. Workshop “Deconstructing the Sense of Smell”. The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University California Santa Barbara, CA